Does principal components analysis (PCA) without calculating the covariance matrix, using the NIPALS algorithm. This makes it usable where the normal method would cause an Out of Memory error.
Usage: [L, L2O, O2L, EV, PEx] = teg_PCA(X).
function [S, L2O, O2L, EV, PEx] = teg_PCA(varargin) % function [L, L2O, O2L, EV, PEx] = teg_PCA(X, {nCompsMax or expl. var or 'scree'}) % % Implementation of the NIPALS algorithm. % % Input: % X: data matrix. Columns are variables, rows are observations. % Optional: Stopping criteria: % nCompsMax: 1, 2, 3, ... Maximum number of components to extract % Expl. var: [0, 1). Proportion of variance to explain. % 'scree': Stop including components when they explain less than the % average amount of variance. % Output: % L: matrix of latent variable scores % L2O: matrix of mixing weights: O = L * L2O % O2L: matrix of unmixing weights: L = O * O2L % EV: matrix of eigenvalues % PEx: proportion of explained variance per number of components % % Thomas E. Gladwin, 31-03-09 X = varargin{1}; nCompsTag = -1; scree = 0; PEx_req = 1; if length(varargin) > 1, par0 = varargin{2}; if strcmp(varargin{2}, 'scree'), scree = 1; elseif par0 >= 1, nCompsTag = varargin{2}; else, PEx_req = varargin{2}; end; end; [nR, nC] = size(X); for iC = 1:size(X, 2), mX = mean(X(:, iC)); X(:, iC) = X(:, iC) - mean(X(:, iC)); end; Full = X; varX = sum(var(X)); screecrit = varX / min(nR, nC); S = []; W = []; D = []; AIC = []; PEx = []; err0 = []; eps0 = 0.00000001; i0 = 1; error_old = sum(sum(X .^ 2)) / size(X, 1); err0 = 1; err00 = error_old; while 1 == 1, random_column = 1 + floor(rand * nC); s = X(:, random_column); eig_old = s' * s; step_error = eps0 * eig_old + 1; fprintf(['Component ' num2str(i0) '\t']); errstr = ''; errperiod = 0.1; tic; it0 = 0; max_its = min(size(X, 1), size(X, 2)); while step_error > eps0 * eig_old, if it0 > max_its, it0 = it0 + 1; break; end; % Projection of X onto s: find loadings w = (X' * s) / (s' * s); % Normalize loading vector w = w / sqrt(w' * w); % Project X onto w: find new score vector s_new = (X * w) / (w' * w); % Check for convergence eig_new = s_new' * s_new; step_error = abs(eig_old - eig_new); eig_old = eig_new; s = s_new; if toc > errperiod, tic; errstr = overwrite_str(errstr, step_error, eig_old, w); end; end; errstr = overwrite_str(errstr, step_error, eig_old, w); S = [S s]; W = [W; w']; D(i0, i0) = eig_old / size(X, 1); for iC = 1:size(X, 2), v = s * w(iC)'; X(:, iC) = X(:, iC) - v; end; dD = diag(D); PEx = [PEx; sum(dD) / varX]; fprintf(['\t' num2str(PEx(end))]); fprintf('\n'); % AIC (p. 48) error_new = 0; for iC = 1:size(X, 2), est = S * W(:, iC); error_new = error_new + sum((Full(:, iC) - est) .^ 2) / length(v); end; err0 = [err0; error_new / err00]; error_old = error_new; % To next iteration, or break if scree == 1 && D(i0, i0) <= screecrit || isnan(D(i0, i0)), S = S(:, 1:(end - 1)); W = W(1:(end - 1), :); D = D(1:(end - 1), 1:(end - 1)); PEx = PEx(1:(end - 1)); fprintf(['Scree crit or NaN eigenvalue hit: removing last component.\n']); break; end; if i0 == nCompsTag + 1 || i0 >= min(size(X, 1), size(X, 2)) || PEx(end) >= PEx_req, break; end; i0 = i0 + 1; end; L2O = W; O2L = L2O' * inv(L2O * L2O'); EV = diag(D); function errstr = overwrite_str(errstr, step_error, eig_old, w) for si = 1:length(errstr), fprintf('\b'); end; errstr = num2str([eig_old step_error / eig_old]); fprintf(errstr);